A321-231, China Southern Airlines, D-AVZC, B-1848 (MSN 6241)

Aircraft Type
Engine Type
2x IAEV2533-A5
Test Registration
Production Site
🇩🇪 Hamburg, DE (EDHI/XFW)
Age of Aircraft
10 y 5 m (Aug 2014)
2 Total Flights 2 h 26 min Total Test Flight Hours

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Airbus Flight Activity

Flight ActivityAirlineRegistrationCallsignHEXDate & Time
Delivered XFW-TSE Tble Spacer China Southern AirlinesB-1848CSN848780C7ADeparted XFW Aug 30 2014 11:20 UTCflightaware.com
Delivered on Contract Tble Spacer China Southern AirlinesB-1848--Aug 29 2014
First Flight XFW-XFW Tble Spacer China Southern AirlinesD-AVZCAIB241A3C1265Aug 22 2014 7:41-10:07 UTCflightaware.com

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